Well as expected, McCain and Obama won their primarys today .Obama really stomped Clinton and definitly has the momentum. I wouldnt want to be Bill Clinton tonight as Hillary is probably having a tantrum watching her chances getting smaller. It wasnt long ago she was already picking out the drapes for the oval office and now she is on thin ice. She has to win BIG in Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Tonight Obama passed her in popular votes as well as delagates and Obama is getting votes from groups that he wasnt expected to get. The fat lady is warming up. John McCain did very well ,even getting some conservative votes signaling the party might be trying to get united . Huckabee just will not drop out,saying that he thinks voters deserve a choice of candidates not just a coranation. What a novel idea , voters having choices. Maybe the whole country will move to Iowa to get to vote for their choices next time. Ron Paul should sputter to a halt any moment now,and go back to,campaining for his seat in congress and balancing the budget of Texas, maybe McCain will make him Sec. of the Treasury,but I doubt it .He has probably already promised that to Rommny or (d?) Lieberman or Sylvester Stalonne for givinghim their endorsements. Maybe Rocky will be Secratary of Defense or Judge Dreed will be on the Supreme court. It looks more and more like it might be McCain vs. Obama but it anything could still happenIts the old expierenced,status quo ,Bushalike against the inexpierianced ,head in the clouds ,young ,new hope for change. A guy that says we could be in Iraq for 100 yrs vs a guy that promises to be out around lunchtime. What a choice. Changes in the economy ,and Iraq will really bounce things around with a nasty fight to the end and will make it the most intresting election possibly ever. As far a photography I am really getting to appreciate professionals and how hard it is to get something good .I am getting about one interesting photo per thousand taken. I had to pull this picture of deer jumping over a fence ,out of some shots from last spring.The deer both jumped the fence ,back and forth ,twice leaving themselves still on oposite sides, until they both trotted off, in the same direction , ,tired and confused ,though still divided ---(kind of like the Republican party) .Unfortunatly for them they were blindsided by a bus on the highway at the other end of the field. I think in the bus, was a bunch of young people headed for a Young Democrats rally . Just kidding -----It was a greyhound headed for Tacoma. For me the photography isnt so much as how the pictures turn out ,as it is to just get out and turn out some pictures. I guess I cant expect to take facinating ,award winning shots, like ballons stuck in trees ,everyday but Ill keep trying. Quote of the day --- "I have opionons of my own-----strong opinons----but I dont always agree with them." George Bush --I have always thought,that he is a man that believes in what he says.
1 comment:
Hey - that's a cool shot! Good capture. You're getting some wonderful photos - it IS great to get out there, isn't it? I'm really enjoying your rants and raves, so keep it up!
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