Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Quinnalt

One of my favorite places on earth is the Quinnallt area,of the Olympic peninsula . It is still so wild. The rain forest has some of the oldest trees and some of the greatest hunting and fishing in the world. . I will always regret missing out on a trip ,that I couldn't go with my family,there because I was sick. Dam I was sick. sick sick----dam,--they had a good time without me,and I'm so glad but I wish I had been there then. The movies of them, almost touching elk ,in the park almost mock ,the days and days that I spent hunting for them during hunting season. An archery hunting trip I took over there with my friend Fred "Tommy Gun "Thompson was a memory I will never forget . He just came from there on a fishing trip. He only caught one--- (a --F&(#ING -NICE ONE) ---, , but he said it was a hell of a time. I'm very envious, and want to get one like he did . Here is Fred with his beautiful native steelhead.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Took a hike on my favorite beach , a great place to beach comb. As always I came across some interesting stuff. I found some bones , and then some brown fur and then..........eeeeee...yuk. A girl walking her dog filled me in to what it was. She said it had once been a giant sea lion. She said she had found it ten days ago and it was beautiful even in death. She said she had seen sea lions all over the world but never one this big. when she first found it it was in perfect condition ,and was over twelve feet long. I know this is totally gross but ---hey that's life .These are pictures of a sea lion dead after 10 days on the beach. Its now twenty five feet long . Crab anyone?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There just aren't enough hours in a day sometimes .Ive been working at nights in the shop on a few projects ,and have neglected my blog. I want to thank all the thousands of readers who e-mailed me about your concerns. All is well. After flying back from the Oscars, and Elton Johns party afterwards ,I just had to get some rest and get some other things done. I just finished watching the democratic debate and thought the moderators did a great job grilling them on allot of tough questions . Hillary who has been acting unbalanced ,with strange mood swings against Obama, seemed to ease back a little. After sarcastically scolding him and calling him out for a street fight she was very even tempered ----she should not have been ,if she wants to keep in it.. I expected allot more fireworks with crucial states primary ahead next week. She really didn't like talking about disclosing her income taxes which mad her look shifty. She is favored to win in Ohio but in light of her tactics , and tone,making her look bad the last few days, I am sticking with my prediction that she is going to lose Ohio and Texas. I thought Obama looked calm cool and collected. he deflected Hilliary's weak attacks and when on to make his points.They spent way to much time on their plans for heath care and keep beating the small differences to death, like they are just going to decree their plan if they become president . On the war in Iraq Obama said she helped drive the bus into the ditch, and i think that kind of stuck pretty well .I think Hillary and her campaign team have totally blown it for her and Obama can turn his attention to McCain. McCains campaign is dealing with financing issues and distanced himself from dirty politics,aimed at Obama, that when on before one of his rallies by a right-wing radical talk show host. It made McCain look good saying he didn't think it was right. I wonder how many times things like that will happen before the election. With the democrats and republicans doing their same song and dance , a new light has come up on the horizon. Yup, its Ralph.The perennial third party candidate , its Nader to the rescue. I'm glad to see somebody else get into the race ,if nothing more than to put some other issue on the table, that get bulldozed under by the big parties agendas. Maybe he can point out how similar they are to each other and bring to light what a bi-nopoly the have on politics. Anyway I don't think he can spoil the democrats chances like last time because at this time I think either of the democrats are going to crush Mccain in a huge landslide. Allot of people think it will be close but I think voters want new blood in Washington and it wont be hard to make McCain look like another Bush. Here are a few pictures of the snow we had this time of year ,last year. I guess it could still happen ,but I doubt it. Just in case I'm cutting more firewood tomorrow ,cause I'm almost out. --------energizer bunny arrested ---charged with battery.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another beautiful day. Actually working in a t-shirt and it felt warm. I almost went snow blind from the sun reflecting off my white arms. I went down to the beach, planning to try some new things with my camera ,but my batteries went dead after just a few pictures . These are pictures of a colony of sea squirts. Not much new in politics maybe there never is . They are really harping about some petty little things right now, I guess they have to pace themselves. ----Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors.---Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, February 22, 2008

Today ,I wasn't going to write anything, especially after watching the media , seemingly need to invent ,scandals about the candidates ,but after dinner I was treated to some fun. I noticed our security lights on and when I went out I saw three young girls running away towards the beach, laughing like crazy. With the sound of heart stopping bass going on , I knew that there was a big party happening on the street above me . I decided to stake out the deer trail that comes down from the party ,through the property that I live on ,that leads down to the beach. No humans ,go that way normally ,but as kids are kids ,I figured some would try to shortcut after seeing some girls had tried it. It wasn't long when about a half a dozen girls ,tried to make their way through the thick brush,following their friends. I busted out of an ancient old abandoned outhouse/tool shed along the trail, and scared the living $%it out them. They all dropped their strawberry wine coolers and all began apologizing at the same time. I told them it was o.k but to walk on the street from now on and they could continue on their way. I decided to hang out a little while longer ,knowing where girls go boys will follow. Sure enough 10 minutes later , here comes the boys. It was very dark then , and I waited till they were close. I stepped out of the outhouse ,with my flashlight shining under my chin ,holding a double bitted cruising axe , and said WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? They literally ran over each other, trying to get out of there. They ran into blackberry bushes ,and brush that was 10 feet tall . I yelled that it was o.k. but they were all going places no man or beast had ever gone before. They left their half drunk Bud Lites and allot of blood ,but not one said a word. Tonight I'm laughing my head off remembering all the times ,that I got busted in the same way. Things never change but you get to see things from different viewpoints. I'm sure the old farts that scared me didn't mean any harm either and probably laughed themselves silly too. Hopefully the kids tonight will have a good story to tell . Sitting in a old outhouse--not much fun----scaring the (r@p out of some kids ---PRICELESS


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Well the skeletons ,real on made up, are beginning to come out. John McCain gets accused of a possible affair with a female lobbyist which he flatly denied. If the New York Times had any real evidence they didnt show it. But a sex scandal and a lobbyist scandal combined is a real double wammy,even if it is probably a complete fabrication. If it is true ,the republicans might as well start consintrating on 2012 election and give up on this one. Of course there is allot of time left. Obama and Clinton had a nice little debate, and I am believing that Hillary is hedgeing her bets and is being nice so that she may run as v.p. .She had several chances to slam Obama, but didnt take them. Hillary just isnt that nice . I am betting they have already begun to work out a deal. I think they can continue to work together against McCain where he has to divide his attacks between the two of them. The debates seems to rally and unite democratic voters more than divide them. I think more and more that the republicans are going to lose the election in a landslide. I think the democratic voters are happy with either of the candidates,and are turning out in huge numbers,where allot of republicans arent sure about McCain. I think he is committing political suicide running on policies that mirror George Bush. Well the navy shot the satelitte down--Good shooting team -and the eclipse was really cool. I didnt get any shots but my friend Louie did. Check out her blog that is on my links section to see them. For some reason my ant movie wont load,but Im going to keep trying.---------"The difference between golf and government is that in golf ,you cant improve your lie." ===Ronald Regan

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today ,I ran into , a very special person,who I have known ,all my life . A teacher ,that greatly inflenced my appreciation for nature. Thirty years ,ago she showed me a tiny park in Ohio called (called the Top Of The World) were she taught an astronomy class , and that spot became a very special place to me.---and others That little piece of ground ,with all the stars above will always be special to me and I have loved astronomy ever since . . Today I tried to take photos of the eclipise but couldnt get a good vantage but spent the rest of the night star gazing .Im hoping Louie ,the shutterbug got some ,that I can get from her. Here is a movie on the ants.They were out ten fold compared to yesterday. Ants are cool.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today was primary day here in WA. I was kind of sad because when I went to the polls, there was no voting going on. I hadnt realized that the absentee ballot we got in the mail was the only way to vote this time. Apparently neither did allot of people ,and we had to go home a get our ballots and bring them back and drop them in the box, at the polls. I never liked the idea of absentee voting unless there was a reason you could not get to the polls.Besides the many scandals that mail in voting has had I like to pull the lever and get my I VOTED sticker. Ive always felt proud to show what a priveledge we have in this country to be able to vote. I really missed seeing my neighbors ,showing up to support their candidates, and how they all walked out smiling with their heads held high after participating in our system. A mail in vote is completly without nuance, and I think it really detracts from the process. I went knowing that I would have to swear an oath that I was affiliated with one party or another if I wanted my vote to count.. Since primary votes dont count for the democratic party, I toyed with the idea of becoming a republican for the day, but since early states have determined that McCain will be the nominee , my vote for a different candidate( R.P.) would also be a waste. I will never understand why people in the early states completly negate who the rest of the country can vote for. I think people in all states should have a choice of who leads this country. Since my vote wouldnt matter anyways ,I did what thousands of Wa. voters did and refused to swear alligence to either party . This protest vote is in hopes to change this states policy to force voters to declare party preference. Tonight Wisconsin -the state that invented the primary election over 100 yrs. ago ,to give the peoples voice a chance to be heard instead of just the wishes of a few caucass voters-----did things diferently. They had a open ballot where voters could register ,on the spot, and vote for any candidate without swearing to be one party or another. This allows independants and people, that just want to vote their minds, to vote. I think this is the true meaning of democracy, instead of the watered down version so many states are forced to keep doing. Why one state has this priveledge and other states dont ,I dont know. As I understand it, this is set by the parties and the voters cant change it. It seems like political engineering to me. In national matters we should have a standard in voting that is fair to all. There is some talk about addressing some of these issues (like regional primaries) in congress, but thats like asking children to freely give up thier candy. Still more and more people are seeing the flaws in this antiquatted system, that is badly in need of reform.Yeah in my opionon!! Wait till the democratic convention, it promises to be a real fiasco if they dont fix the florida michigan thing. Two million voters being excluded with no way to fix it except spending 30 million on a second primary .Both candidates basically agreed with the party to not count the votes from these states . -- Obama and McCain won in Wisconsin . Michelle Obama really made a huge mis-statement saying she was never proud of America before. We will hear those words on McCains commercials for nine more months . Look to Ohio to make or break it for Clinton. She thinks she will win there ,but Im betting Obama takes it, even after his wifes blunder. In fact the entire staff here at Bucksnort central thinks its bye bye Hillary . She will have to get real nasty before then to hold on . Not much for pictures, but this ant hill, I walk by every day.Today was the first day I saw them come out, and all kinds of birds are showing up lately. I think that groundhog blew it ,at least for us here in Wa, spring is creeping in. ---"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." --- Will Rogers

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ahh Presidents day--The day we honor our presidents, or at least the day we are supposed to honor them .I didnt see anything about parades or celebrations . Maybe the peaple that work at banks or the post office, get together and have a big party. There are allot of sales for presidents day, which is fitting since poloticans sell out so much. How terribly cynical of me , huh? Go figure. Tommorow , I get to vote in our states primary. Unlike some states we have to swear a oath to one of the two parties for our vote to count. Like so many people in this state I wont do that and my vote will only go to protest this policy. It dosent matter much anyways because no votes from the primary counts toward delagates on the democratic side and only half of the delagates are derived in the primary, for the republicans. Even though 8 to 10 times more people will turn out to vote in the primary as the caucass the parties want to get rid of the primary. It seems like a watered down version of democracy to me. I think we should do like the Iraqis and just vote, stick your finger in ink ,then go home and shoot our guns in the air. It doesnt bother me much that my vote wont count , I just do it to get the flag stickers that say I VOTED. Today Mccain promised that if he was elected he would promise to not raise taxes. Coincidently , he got a big endorsement from former president George H.W. Bush ,who made the same promise but didnt keep it . With McCain now wanting the Bush tax cuts for the rich to be made permanant , that he once called a outrageous burdon on the middle class, he seems to be falling in line with his party. Clinton and Obama just keep shooting the same spit wads back and forth, with just about as much attention going toward Bill. I keep waiting for some giant skeleton to come from the candidates closets. I guess they are waiting closer to the national election.------"Folk that dont know why America is called the Land of Promise ,should be here during a election campain."---Milton Berle Today was beautiful and warm --They were putting out the easter candy,at the market ,sure signs that Spring is one the way.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It was a really nice day here , and tommorow is supossed to be even warmer. After getting roped into moving a friends furniture in the morning , I went for a long walk on the beach all afternoon. Down at the park peaple were out , flying kites, playing catch,and just hanging out. While I sat on a park bench eating my lunch an eagle sat on his perch above me eating a fish. Some guy ,that I have an idea was somebody famous (cause he was really good), played guitar on the sunny hill behind me. Pretty soon a lady that played a flute joined him. If they arent famous they should be . Soon about twenty peaple, from 5-85 ,were all standing around listening to them. Kids that looked like they were hippies transported in time ,straight from the sixties started doing some really goofy dancing, and one old lady laughed and clapped like she was hopped up on goofballs. It was quite a show . A little sun comes out and everybody gets happy. Heres a picture of the eagle and a really pschydelic jellyfish. I didnt even think to take a picture of the concert in the park. A movie of the freaky hippy kids dancing could have made me 10 grand from Americas funniest videos.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Well polotics has been find of quiet .Just a little mud throwing, nothing very juicy lately. Today was pretty nice here, and I did a bunch of yard work .It feels good with the days getting longer and warmer. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and almost 60! Oh yeah! Again no pictures worthy of posting so I thought I would see if I could post a movie. This is my old dog Chopper chasing waves. This was near the end of his life ,when he was 15. He could still run pretty good even after he had recouperated after getting hit by a truck. You should have seen him when he was in his prime ,he would chase waves endlessly,and was fast as a greyhound . I sure do miss him. Yesterday ,at the market a lady had a whole pick-up truck full of puppies, she was giving away. It sure was hard not to take one.She almost had me then I came to my senses.

Friday, February 15, 2008

It was a great day today for allot of reasons,that I wont go into,but the best reason was that I heard from an old friend that ,I havent heard from in a while . Nothing like hearing from old friends,to make you feel good but it was a very long day and I am too tired to even do one of my favorite things like complaining about politics. . Tune in tommorow for in depth ranting and raving. Life is good ,call an old friend tommorow .

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ahh Valentines Day ,the day of LOVE. Well enough about that. Today in congress some republicans walked out because of a vote over contempt by former Bush aides ,Miers and Bolton,to not turn over info on firings from the Bush adm. .The vote was passed 223 to 32 but the White house said it would not seek prosecution. Go figure .The Bush adm. claimed that presidential privilege covers staff, from realising information to congress. Bush once again stretches the power of the presidency like never before. This is most dangerous because future presidents will do the same thing.With no checks and balances ,and no penaltys for their actions , our leaders powers grow way beyond what was designed in the constitution. The Republican minnority leader walked out saying time would have been better spent ,passing the bill for wire tapping and e-mail spying without warrants, instead of looking at the presidents staff. He never said their time could have been better spent, while listening to countless hours of looking at steriods in baseball ,but today he has more important things to do. Me thinks we need to keep our eye on the ball ,and watch that the powers of the president dont get out of hand, after all we dont know who will be our next president and what they will want to hide. Today I cleaned my chimney out (oh what fun) and took this picture of the shiny bubblely gunk inside.Still messing with the macro setting on my camera. My Quote for V.D.--"The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of." ~Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1670

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Today in congress they spent another day listening to testimony about steriods in baseball, is it just me or does anyone else think they have more important things to do? What is next, vollyball scandals in front of the supreme court? Give me a break ! I pray they settle this before their next long vacation. Here are some photos of last nights sunset . Nothing special but I am messing with stiching them together. I dont know if they can post like that. -------"I dont mind what congress does ,as long as they dont do it in the streets, and frighten the horses" ---Victor Hugo

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well as expected, McCain and Obama won their primarys today .Obama really stomped Clinton and definitly has the momentum. I wouldnt want to be Bill Clinton tonight as Hillary is probably having a tantrum watching her chances getting smaller. It wasnt long ago she was already picking out the drapes for the oval office and now she is on thin ice. She has to win BIG in Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Tonight Obama passed her in popular votes as well as delagates and Obama is getting votes from groups that he wasnt expected to get. The fat lady is warming up. John McCain did very well ,even getting some conservative votes signaling the party might be trying to get united . Huckabee just will not drop out,saying that he thinks voters deserve a choice of candidates not just a coranation. What a novel idea , voters having choices. Maybe the whole country will move to Iowa to get to vote for their choices next time. Ron Paul should sputter to a halt any moment now,and go back to,campaining for his seat in congress and balancing the budget of Texas, maybe McCain will make him Sec. of the Treasury,but I doubt it .He has probably already promised that to Rommny or (d?) Lieberman or Sylvester Stalonne for givinghim their endorsements. Maybe Rocky will be Secratary of Defense or Judge Dreed will be on the Supreme court. It looks more and more like it might be McCain vs. Obama but it anything could still happenIts the old expierenced,status quo ,Bushalike against the inexpierianced ,head in the clouds ,young ,new hope for change. A guy that says we could be in Iraq for 100 yrs vs a guy that promises to be out around lunchtime. What a choice. Changes in the economy ,and Iraq will really bounce things around with a nasty fight to the end and will make it the most intresting election possibly ever. As far a photography I am really getting to appreciate professionals and how hard it is to get something good .I am getting about one interesting photo per thousand taken. I had to pull this picture of deer jumping over a fence ,out of some shots from last spring.The deer both jumped the fence ,back and forth ,twice leaving themselves still on oposite sides, until they both trotted off, in the same direction , ,tired and confused ,though still divided ---(kind of like the Republican party) .Unfortunatly for them they were blindsided by a bus on the highway at the other end of the field. I think in the bus, was a bunch of young people headed for a Young Democrats rally . Just kidding -----It was a greyhound headed for Tacoma. For me the photography isnt so much as how the pictures turn out ,as it is to just get out and turn out some pictures. I guess I cant expect to take facinating ,award winning shots, like ballons stuck in trees ,everyday but Ill keep trying. Quote of the day --- "I have opionons of my own-----strong opinons----but I dont always agree with them." George Bush --I have always thought,that he is a man that believes in what he says.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bonsai !!!!!

No political ranting and raving from me today.---your welcome. Yesterday, I started to work on my bonsai trees . Working on my bonsai trees is like therapy to me. It always amazes me how much better I feel after a hour or so of pruning and caring for them. No matter what I have on my mind ,after about five minutes of working on them and I forget about everything else. I have been doing bonsai for about fifeteen years.I started out really gung -ho and quickly had about thirty or more trees. Over the years, periods of neglect have left me with only about eight trees left. The small pots can dry up very fast ,on hot summer days and freeze quickly in the winter. A half dozen trees is plenty enough for me as it is just a casual hobby for me. The one on the rock is my favorite.It is a chinese elm growing over a piece of petrified wood. It started out as a tiny little twig fifeteen years ago and is coming along nicely. I figure that in two or three hundred years I will really have a beautiful tree . My freind Caveman also took up the hobby and has really gotten serious about it. He spends allot of time working on his collection of a couple hundred trees. He really has some great ones and I will post some photos sometime. If you are at all interested ,I urge you to take bonsai up as a hobby ,but they are like a fish tank, they demand constant care. I espcecally like the decideuos variety because you get to watch them them change with the passing of the seasons. Hope you like the photos. Remember time is a great teacher,unfortunately it kills all its students.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Caucuss must mean confussin in Latin

caos ---- As record numbers turn out to vote, especially on the democratic side,- the electoral process is reaching terminal velocity. Yesterday, Washington states ,democratic partys website crashed with voters struggling to find caucus locations and thousands more were turned away and not able to participate because the record turnout exceeded capacity ,at caucus locations. Obama thrashed Clinton ,in all three states that cacussed yesterday ,and republicans sent McCain a message that it aint over till its over. Huckabee won two out of three states and Mccain barely squeeked a win in Washington state with the vote being nearly equally divided between McCain ,Huckabee,and Ron Paul with Mitt Rommney getting a good percentage ,even though he has dropped from the race. The democratic delegate race is close, and if superdelegates ,that are, basically specially empowered, party celebrity insiders,deciede the nominee instead of voters it is a sad reflection on the process. The parties are trying to silence the voice of the whole electorate, and the voters demand that thier opionon is heard, through primarys, even if thier votes dont count toward delegates. The biggest conclusion I can draw from it so far, is that people are very energized over this election and nothing is for sure yet. One statement from any candidate, could easily change the course of the election. They are going to have to be very careful what they say,while at the same time start furiously flinging mud at each other. Often digging for mud ,leaves you in a hole ,in polotics. It should be hilarious to see who is left with thier head above ground .Whoever it is Im sure they will take office covered in more than just glory. Today when I went to the church where the caucasses were held ,all that was left, was a few balloons stuck in the trees. They seemed to be a perfect analogy for what was going on. ---- My political quote of the day### "One thing I certaintly never was made for,and that is, to put the princeipals on and off ,at the diction of a party,as a lacky changes ;his livery at his masters command"-- Horace Mann All that political junk aside---- it turned out to be a beautiful day here In Freeland. The sun came out and the birds started chirping. I am sticking with my earlier prediction for an early spring. With all our mountain passes closed because of record snows it could get real bad for allot of people in the low lands ,soon .Thank God Here on Whidbey Island we dont have any rivers to contend with. Being a beautiful springlike Sunday afternoon I took a look a my bonsai trees .They seem to be waking up extra early, I hope we dont get a cold spell . Pictures of them tommorrow, Please check them out and remember ----You are a unique person !---- --------just like everybody else is.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Democrats are coming !The demorats are coming!

Yesterday ,Clinton and Obama both spoke in front of large crowds to gain support from voters for todays cacuses. Both pandered equally well to the voters over local and national issues. Clinton spoke more directly to the issues and Obama continued his more vague approach to reach out to voters. McCain showed up late in the day and spoke in front of 300 of his supporters ,from around the state. Washingtons electoral process ,is a perfect example of how ludicris the ellectoral process has become. It is a hybrid system of both caucases and pimary elections . The democrats get all their delagates from todays two hour caucase. The Republicans get about half their delegates from the caucass and half from primaries. The cacasses draw about 100,000 voters while the primaries draw about a million and a half voters ,thinking that their votes count for something,unless it is canceled like last time,by the state that saw the 10 million dollar cost as too expensive. The parties have tried to unsucessfully get rid of the primaries calling it a beauty contest. No votes on the democratic side count ,and only half of the delagates are decieded for republicans in the primaries. Early counts of mail in votes, show that 25% of votes in the primaries are being cast without the required declaration of party being shown. This is seen as a protest vote coming from a state known for its large population of independant minded voters and the monopoly that the two parties share in control over the process. It seems to me that allot of other people are wishing a different choice was available than the two status quo parties . Todays political quote is from the dude on the dime ----- "there is among you the man who is not bound by party lines. You vote according to your common sense and your calm judgement after hearing each party set forth its program . To you ,I say that the stregth of this independant thought is the greatest contribution of the American political system ." --- Franklin D. Roosevelt. Where is this man when we need him. Maybe Ron Paul will drop his ties with his party and offer an alternative. Blomberg?, Nader? ,Gingrich ?Perot ? will anyone answer the calls for real change that the nation cries out for? Like our political system ,a bicycle cant stand on its own because its two tired. My photos du jour,are willow tree reflections .For some reason I love tree reflections.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Here are some shots of my little portable sawmill. I havent done much with it yet but am happy so far on how well it works . My plans are to use it to salvage logs that would otherwise end up as firewood and utilaize them to make rustic furniture,mostly benches,and tables as well as making dimensional lumber. I still have some obstacles to overcome before I make money with it, but I think it has good potential. Its really rewarding to cut into a log, seeing the beautiful wood grain inside,that nobody has ever seen before ,and produce a usable piece of wood from it . Its actually fun. There are other mills around but I think the portability of this mill , will be its biggest advantage,to salvage trees that couldnt otherwise be accsessed and would otherwise go to waste . It can be transported to the tree instead of visa versa. .Today staff at Bucksnort were again inundated with calls on subjects rangeing from more of the firestorm from the political commentary,as well as calls from artists from the fields of sculpture,music, and metalworking. There is a buzz in the office that deals are in the works between these artists and the ceo of Bucksnort to collaborate efforts for the mutual benefit of all. The Bucksnort looks foward to the fruition of these joint ventures . It seems that as word of our fledgling news source spreads across the worldwide blogosphere ,like a wildfire out of control , there is growing support and acclaim for the provacative and" insightful" political commentary, as well as the imagery, it is already well known for presentintg, in its short existance. We at Bucksnort pledge to try to continue our standards of excellence in presenting the best blogging expierence we can supply for your enjoyment. Thank you for support . Check back tomorrow of our review of todays visit from democratic presidential hopefulls titeled " The democrats are coming ! The democrats are coming !!!" Our copy editor who does our spell checking is on assignment and should return soon so we apologize for the typos until then ,until tomorrow I leave you with this thought to ponder-----------Time flys like an arrow ; fruit flies like a banana

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I guess I hit a nerve

I may take a break from my political blogging, to let the dust settle from the uproar that my blog, from yesterday caused. As I arrived at Bucksnort Central headquarters in Washington ,tonight, I found the swichboard operators, overwhelmed by angry calls, from incesned Ohioan voters, who took offense at me calling attention to the states scandal from the 2004 election. It is conserning to think that this state could once again be where this election is ultimately deceided . A call from one particulary irrate ,obviously radical group, leader ,was extremely frightening. The threatening tone of his rant ,splitting hairs over the issue was alarming, Authorities are monitering the situation closely. He said he had spent the previous day in a hospital,with little attention -presumably seeking help ,for his manic mental condition. I can only feel sorry for him, as did others ,from his own admission. Apparently they calmed him with music,and released him , back on the streets ,in temporary, limited care of his familly . Another glaring example of the revolving door policies of our failing heath care system. Anyway in surprise news to some , Mitt Rommney threw in the towel , leaving Sen. McCain to inevitably recieve the nomination of the fractured Republican party. With conservative talking heads Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter ,Laura Ingram, and others denouncing McCain even favoring their favorite punching bag Hillary Clinton, the party looks confused and in danger of collapse .The nominee for the Democrats may be long in coming ,with a possible joining of forces coming from the contenders. Their bizzare methoud of picking a nominee draws more attention to the gathering angst over the need for electoral reform. If their use of super delagates infflueces the election, public distrust of the process could widden and the potential for trouble ,greaten. My last note on politics for a while is a quote from the guy on the greenback -----"If we mean to support the liberty and independance which have cost us so much blood and treasure to eastablish, we must drive away the demon of party spirit and local reproach" --- George Washington . Maybe the talking heads read his quote , I dought it. Me thinks they have their own personal motives . The picture is of south-side tree moss -Im messing with macro

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The power here has been going off and on as we have a wind advisory.I dont think its much but my router keeps going down,so I wiil be short and no pics turned out any good today. I feel so sad for the people that got hit by tornados down south. Ive had a few complaints about only being able to vote once on my poll. You know those Cuyahoga county Ohioans,trying to stuff the ballot boxes like last time ,Just kidding I think if you sign in computer,with a different username ,your spouses can vote too. Please no dead peaple or family pets .Youre on the honor system. Super Tuesday has turned in wishy-washy Wendsday. Not allot is coming from it ,except they are all going broke. Except Rommney.We we see if he is the smart bussiness man he says he is and cuts his losses and gets out or loans himself 5 milloion like Hillary. Political quote of the day - "Nothing is more deceitful than the statements that we need in politics is the bussiness man. Politics are a business -at least they are afieldin which expieence tells for usefulness and effectiveness and the man who has devoted his entire life to the sucessful establishment of a bussiness is generally not the man who will be useful to the public in the administration of public bussiness " Wm Howard Taft So much for being a quick blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday-- I will begin my political rant( as I will do often) and as I await the outcome of what is the closest thing to , to a national primary as has ever been ,I urge my non-poltical friends to take part in the process,even as flawed as it is. Tommorow I might have to revise my poll as who will be our next leader. (they only allowed four answers). I leave you with a quote from one of our greatest statemen, Ben Franklin--Applause waits on success: the fickle multitude, like the light straw that floats along the stream, glides with the current still ,and follows fortune-- more politics to follow. On a lighter note, in lew of National pancake day , I made bacon ,banana fritters with peanut butter sauce,. Elvis Lives !!! Back to salad tommorrow.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Today I was sitting on my log deck ,sharpening my chainsaw,and I turned around and there were these three deer . Big mama deer had her head in the tire swing trying to get a drink,from the water that collects in the bottom of it. It was comical to watch her trying to get at it as the tire spun around and around The two smaller does just stood and stared. By the time I got the camera from my coat,she had given up and had noticed me . To my suprise they walked straight towards me,like zombies after brains. . The sound of a chainsaw is like ringing a dinner bell for deer but this was weird and kind of unnerving I almost had a shot like the you tube movie at the bottom of this page. Check it out, it is a must see! Tommorrow the fifth is National Pancake day so I urge you to support the pancake growers and have a stack tommorow. Im going off my diet to do the American thing and chow some flapjacks. Remember to practice safe eating---always use condiments.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ahh --now I get it the devil is always in the details
Well I guess I need to learn more ,I cant get a photo to come up .Life is just one big learning curve that you just have to keep trying to catch on to. Me so stupid.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The first days blog of the rest of my life

Well --here goes nothing. As usual I dont know what I am doing ,how to do it or even why I am really doing it. I have been reading a friends (louie)blog for a while now and have enjoyed it allot. She uses her blog to post a daily photo and a thought or two . It really seems to make for a good reason to get out and take some photos, and as a result her skills as an amatur shutterbug as well as a poet seems to be improving daily(and she was a natural to begin with). I think I will try to do the same thing , mainly just to get out and snap some shots . So if nothing more than for my own enjoyment I have decieded to try my own blog. If you end up reading this I hope you find something interesting . I will start with the photos and profound revalations tommorrow once I check out more how its done. By the way the groundhog saw his shadow which means six more weeks of winter, but I have been seeing an abundance of red-wing blackbirds which tells me that spring is coming soon. We will see.