Today I was sitting on my log deck ,sharpening my chainsaw,and I turned around and there were these three deer . Big mama deer had her head in the tire swing trying to get a drink,from the water that collects in the bottom of it. It was comical to watch her trying to get at it as the tire spun around and around The two smaller does just stood and stared. By the time I got the camera from my coat,she had given up and had noticed me . To my suprise they walked straight towards me,like zombies after brains. . The sound of a chainsaw is like ringing a dinner bell for deer but this was weird and kind of unnerving I almost had a shot like the you tube movie at the bottom of this page. Check it out, it is a must see! Tommorrow the fifth is National Pancake day so I urge you to support the pancake growers and have a stack tommorow. Im going off my diet to do the American thing and chow some flapjacks. Remember to practice safe eating---always use condiments.
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