Monday, February 18, 2008

Ahh Presidents day--The day we honor our presidents, or at least the day we are supposed to honor them .I didnt see anything about parades or celebrations . Maybe the peaple that work at banks or the post office, get together and have a big party. There are allot of sales for presidents day, which is fitting since poloticans sell out so much. How terribly cynical of me , huh? Go figure. Tommorow , I get to vote in our states primary. Unlike some states we have to swear a oath to one of the two parties for our vote to count. Like so many people in this state I wont do that and my vote will only go to protest this policy. It dosent matter much anyways because no votes from the primary counts toward delagates on the democratic side and only half of the delagates are derived in the primary, for the republicans. Even though 8 to 10 times more people will turn out to vote in the primary as the caucass the parties want to get rid of the primary. It seems like a watered down version of democracy to me. I think we should do like the Iraqis and just vote, stick your finger in ink ,then go home and shoot our guns in the air. It doesnt bother me much that my vote wont count , I just do it to get the flag stickers that say I VOTED. Today Mccain promised that if he was elected he would promise to not raise taxes. Coincidently , he got a big endorsement from former president George H.W. Bush ,who made the same promise but didnt keep it . With McCain now wanting the Bush tax cuts for the rich to be made permanant , that he once called a outrageous burdon on the middle class, he seems to be falling in line with his party. Clinton and Obama just keep shooting the same spit wads back and forth, with just about as much attention going toward Bill. I keep waiting for some giant skeleton to come from the candidates closets. I guess they are waiting closer to the national election.------"Folk that dont know why America is called the Land of Promise ,should be here during a election campain."---Milton Berle Today was beautiful and warm --They were putting out the easter candy,at the market ,sure signs that Spring is one the way.

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