Saturday, February 2, 2008

The first days blog of the rest of my life

Well --here goes nothing. As usual I dont know what I am doing ,how to do it or even why I am really doing it. I have been reading a friends (louie)blog for a while now and have enjoyed it allot. She uses her blog to post a daily photo and a thought or two . It really seems to make for a good reason to get out and take some photos, and as a result her skills as an amatur shutterbug as well as a poet seems to be improving daily(and she was a natural to begin with). I think I will try to do the same thing , mainly just to get out and snap some shots . So if nothing more than for my own enjoyment I have decieded to try my own blog. If you end up reading this I hope you find something interesting . I will start with the photos and profound revalations tommorrow once I check out more how its done. By the way the groundhog saw his shadow which means six more weeks of winter, but I have been seeing an abundance of red-wing blackbirds which tells me that spring is coming soon. We will see.

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