Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My intuition was wrong . Hillary is still hanging on, in fact some pundits ,think she still is hot and is the one to beat. I think she will end up as V.P. and then b!t(# so much she will end up as lead dog . I wonder how much ,Rush Linbauaghs push for republicans to vote for Clinton effected the vote. Huckabee went out ,very strangely,---finally giving McCain his support ,but voicing his messages to the end. I don't think we have seen the end of him, and I'm glad because I think he had allot of great ideas that people could have got behind ,if he wasn't such a religious figure. I'm sorry that people in the remaining states ,only have one option to vote for on the republican side.. If I lived in one of the many states , left to vote I would feel that my opinion meant ,very little in what candidate ,I could vote for ,but very privileged to decide ,which of the remaining candidates ,will be the president . Our system is idiotic . Some states ,get to cull the candidates , and some states get to decide which one of those get to represent their party. Things would be very different if we all got to cull each party's candidates equally by voting at the same time . The obvious reason is that it would allow a third party to have a chance of coming into play. Media controls who is in the race ,the same way as the do in sports. The world football league cant compete with the NFL , because it would water down the both leagues . Politics should not be -x-against - y , but as our founding fathers ,envisioned it ,as a multi party - forum .Other countries have this way of democracy ,but ours is held useless because of bipartisanship . Both party's have a stifled ,centrist mind but are bound by the far ends of their parties. We are screwed by this process ,because one party gives the other, radical concessions on each side, to accomplish an agenda that neither want. I'm going to bed and scream in my pillow now ,it makes me forget about this stuff that we seemingly can change . Here is one of my Siamese fighting fish --- I call him Dempsey.

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